How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Facebook Or Oct 16, 2019 My Facebook account has been blocked [Solved] - CCM Jun 04, 2020 Click in the top right of Facebook. Select Settings & Privacy > Settings. In the left column of your Settings, click Blocking. In the Block Users section you should see a list of people you've blocked. Click Unblock next to the name of the person you want to unblock. Click Confirm to finish unblocking the person.

Thanks 4 A2A, if you're blocked by Facebook to access your account then it should probably be your account is reported or if your account looks suspicious. In this case Facebook will ask you to "Prove your Identity" by submitting your Government p

I'm blocked from using a feature on Facebook (ex: sending I'm blocked from doing something on Facebook, like posting, sharing or commenting. shareShare Article. We may block people from doing something on Facebook when: To help keep Facebook open and welcoming, we try to prevent people from unintentionally misusing Facebook, even if you felt that what you did was acceptable. How to Block a Facebook User Quickly and Anonymously

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The Top 3 Ways to Avoid Getting Blocked on Facebook. Next Article Amanda Leclair. March 14th, 2017 min read Social media has changed the way that marketers (and small business owners) everywhere go about promoting their businesses. With over 1.59 billion users, Facebook can’t be overlooked. The sheer amount of traffic that it can garner for How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Facebook Or