Mar 13, 2014
Netcomm NB6plus4W Rev1 Wireless Setup Guide | Support Netcomm NB6+4W Wireless Setup Guide This guide will walk you through setting up the Netcomm NB6+4W modem to get wireless access. Wireless LAN, sometimes called Wi-Fi is an alternative to connecting your computer to your modem router using an Ethernet cable. It has the benefits of allowing computers connected to the modem router to move around Netcomm NB6Plus4WN | Secure WiFi The NetComm Gateway Series ADSL2+ Wireless N300 4-Port Modem Router is an ADSL/2/2+ compatible router/modem/switch with a built in wireless access point, providing wireless internet and file sharing between multiple computers.
Online guides for setting up wireless on NetComm NB6Plus4W, NP803n, NP805n, NB604n, and NF2 routers,
Setup guide for NetComm NB6Plus4W Open your Web Browser (such as Internet Explorer), and enter the following numbers into the Address Bar: If asked to login, the default username and password is "admin" and "admin" without the quotes. Click on "Quick Setup" from the left menu.
NetComm NB6Plus4W - NewsComAu
The NetComm NB6Plus4W is an ADSL/2/2+ compatible router/modem/switch with a built in wireless access point, providing wireless internet and file sharing between multiple computers. Page 2 P: 02 9424 2070 F: 02 9424 2010 E: W: Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of NetComm Limited or